
Organizing a Webinar For The First Time? Here’s Everything You Should Know

Organizing a webinar is one of the best ways to connect with your customers and generate leads.

As a creator, it helps you to share your knowledge with your audience and even get paid for it.

If you’re considering organizing a webinar for the first time, we’ve put together this article to share with you everything you should know.

Let’s get started!

How Long Should a Webinar Be?

The ideal length for a webinar largely depends on your content and target audience. However, studies have shown that an ideal length for a webinar is generally between 60 minutes. 

Within this time, you can present valuable content while keeping your audience engaged. It also allows you to complete the three portions of a webinar;

  • 5-7 minutes of welcome and introductions.
  • 38-45 minutes for the actual presentation.
  • 10-15 minutes for questions at the end.

Webinars longer than 60 minutes can lead to attendee fatigue and drop-offs, whereas webinars that are too short might not offer enough information to make a meaningful impact. 

If the content is too complex and requires more than 60 minutes, it’s better to split it into a series of short webinars to avoid information overload. 

How to Choose a Webinar Topic

Choosing the right topic for your webinar can greatly influence its success, helping you achieve its goals and build a loyal community for your brand. 

If you already know your target audience, choose a webinar topic that will provide more information about their pain points and offer them a solution. 

Here are five steps to guide you.  

1. Identify your audience’s needs

Before settling on a topic, understand who your target audience is and what their interests and needs are. For example, if you’re a marketing and sales expert, your audience might be interested in learning about the best marketing strategies, how to speak to customers online and close them, etc.

If you are a digital marketer, your audience may want to learn about the latest SEO strategies, content marketing tips, or social media hacks. Once you understand your audience’s needs, you can choose a topic that aligns with their interest.

2. Consider your expertise

Your topic should be something you’re knowledgeable about. Otherwise, you risk damaging your reputation if you cannot accurately answer questions or provide solid advice during the webinar.

For example, if you are a fitness coach, you may choose to discuss topics related to diet, exercise routines, or how to maintain motivation for workouts. This strategy allows you to present your expertise to the audience and build trust.

3. Look at trends and industry developments

Stay current with what’s happening in your industry. This way, your webinar is timely and relevant, making more people interested in it.

For instance, if you’re a social media manager and there is a new social media platform, you can host a webinar to talk about it and share some tips to help your interested audience navigate it. It shows you’re on top of changes in your industry and adds value to your audience.

4. Addressing frequently asked questions

Look at the frequently asked questions you receive from clients or followers. It could be through your website, social media platforms, or direct inquiries. For instance, if you’re an online marketer and you’re often asked how to improve organic reach on social media, that could be an excellent topic for a webinar. This strategy ensures you’re providing the information that your audience is seeking.

5. Analyzing previous successful content

Look at the content you’ve previously released that’s had success. If a particular social media post or video you’ve shared got a lot of positive responses, that’s an excellent place to start for a webinar topic. 

For example, if you’re a skincare specialist and your content about Best Skincare Tips For Harmattan received significant engagement, a webinar digging deeply into that topic would probably attract a considerable audience.

Remember, choosing the right webinar topic is critical to its success. Take the time to research and use the above strategies to come up with a subject that resonates with your audience, showcases your expertise, and offers value.

When is the Best Time to Host a Webinar?

It may not be surprising, but the best days to host a webinar are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. On Monday, people are just getting back into the work mindset after the weekend, while on Friday, most are winding down and may not be as interested in investing time in a webinar.

According to ON24 research, the optimal times to host a webinar are late morning at 11 a.m., early afternoon at 2 p.m., or in the evening between 7 – 8 pm.

Choosing an important time for your website is important because;

  • Throughout the webinar, attendees become increasingly engaged and interact with other participants.
  • Conducting the webinar when the audience is most likely to attend helps to maximize attendance.
  • Aligning your schedule with the needs of your audience increases your chances of collecting leads.

LEARN: How to Repurpose Your Webinar For More Content

Webinar Checklist 

1. Pre-webinar Planning

  • Webinar topic: Decide on a specific and engaging topic that would capture the interest of your target audience.
  • Set objectives: Identify your goals and what you intend to achieve at the end of the webinar. Examples include audience engagement, lead generation, sales conversion, or product demonstration.
  • Choose the right platform: Choose a reliable platform that offers seamless integration, easy navigation, and advanced features. Zoom, Streamyard, Microsoft Teams, and GoToWebinar are some popular choices.
  • Set a date and time: Ensure you pick a date and time that will be convenient for your target audience considering different time zones if necessary.

2. Preparing the Content

  • Research: Understand your audience’s needs and tailor your content to meet those needs.
  • Prepare the material: Use interactive and engaging materials such as slides, videos, infographics, etc. to share your information.
  • Review: Do a run-through of the webinar to ensure a smooth flow and eliminate any technical hitches.

3. Promotion and Registration

  • Marketing: Use various channels like email marketing, social media, blog posts, or ads to promote your webinar.
  • Create a registration page: This could be a landing page with a registration form to capture potential attendees’ details.
  • Send reminders: Send reminder emails or SMS messages to registrants closer to the webinar date.

4. Webinar Delivery

  • Technical Check: Make sure your audio and video equipment is working properly and the internet connection is stable.
  • Script: Stick to your script or presentation to stay on track and ensure a smooth webinar.
  • Interactive Elements: Encourage engagement by including polls, Q&A sessions, chats, etc.

5. Post-webinar Follow-up

  • Follow-up emails: Send thank you emails to attendees, answer questions that came up during the webinar, and share the recording or material if possible.
  • Survey: Create a post-webinar survey to collect feedback from attendees to help improve future webinars.
  • Evaluate results: Analyze the metrics of the webinar to understand if you met your objectives. Examples of metrics to track include registration-to-attendee conversion rate, number of views, duration of engagement, and audience feedback.

This checklist, if carefully followed, will increase your chances of running a successful webinar. Always remember that the more engaging and interactive your webinar is, the more value it offers to your attendees.

LEARN: 7 Secrets to Hosting a Successful Webinar

How to Generate Leads Through a Webinar 

A well-structured and informative webinar has the power to not only educate your audience about your products or services but also help in attracting potential clients. 

Here’s how to use webinars for lead generation;

1. Identify your ideal buyer from the start

If you want to generate leads through your webinar, you have to first define what a quality lead means to you. For example, are you trying to reach key business decision-makers, business owners, or employees?

Once you identify who your qualified lead is, it becomes easier to develop a strategy that allows you to target them and provide relevant solutions to them.

2. Prioritize your audience

The most common reason B2B customers would not register for a webinar is that the topic is too marketing or product-focused. Communication webinars, on the other hand, are the most successful.

Sharing ideas, new industry breakthroughs, and the latest news are all ways to build a communications webinar that is more about the audience than the business. These webinars on audience-specific topics will draw in attendees who are most interested in the company’s solutions.

3. Offer the webinar on demand

Webinars can generate leads for more than 30 days following the event. While live webinars remain the most popular, 43% of consumers will watch webinars on demand.

An on-demand webinar is a recorded webinar. Attendees can access the webinar by completing a registration form and seeing the video. 

While you may not be able to engage with on-demand attendees in the same manner that live attendees can, you can still connect with them through your email funnel.

5. Partner to expand your audience

When hosting a webinar, you can collaborate with other creators within your niche to talk about a topic your audience is interested in.

This collaboration gives you access to their audience, network, and other opportunities that can help you grow your brand.

6. Make it more interactive

Live webinars have the advantage of allowing you to engage your audience through face-to-face conversations. After all, participation is the key to a successful webinar. Some approaches to engaging your audience include:

  • Using visuals
  • Maintaining energy during the presentation.
  • Providing resources to download
  • A question-and-answer session. 92% of webinar attendees prefer to attend webinars featuring Q&A. Allowing participants to submit questions ahead of time or take questions during the event guarantees that you address all their questions.

7. Follow up on the Leads

Lead nurturing is the process of developing relationships with potential buyers to help them learn about your offerings (products or services).

Some methods for nurturing leads include;

  • Sending downloads relating to the webinar content for the attendees to use.
  • Sending thank-you emails to attendees.
  • Adding leads to a drip campaign to gradually create a relationship with them, while solving their problems and pitching your product.

LEARN: How to Create a Webinar Funnel That Always Converts

8. Be intentional about the data you collect

Collecting accurate data from your webinar registration form is helpful for successful lead creation. To encourage consumers to fill out your forms, keep them brief, sweet, and necessary.

Collect information that will allow you to follow up on leads in an effective and targeted manner. Examples include;

  • First and last names
  • Email Address
  • Phone number (if necessary) 

You may also want to include open-ended questions so that webinar attendees can ask questions ahead of time, but keep those options optional.

9. Automate where you can

As you’ve figured out, webinar lead creation isn’t a one-step process. It takes several measures to engage potential buyers at each stage of the webinar funnel. 

To save you time and resources, automate your lead generation procedures wherever possible. From CRM to email marketing, social media, and even content.

Automated lead nurturing campaigns and trigger emails ensure that your leads hear from you as soon as their behavior signals interest and/or intent, rather than when someone on your team has the time to do it manually.

Webinar Social Media Posts 

Webinars are a fantastic method to engage and educate your audience on various topics. However, if people don’t know about your webinar, they can’t participate. One of the most effective ways to promote your upcoming webinar is through social media. 

Here’s how you can create compelling social media posts to boost your attendance.

1. Create excitement with teaser posts

Teaser posts help create excitement about your upcoming webinar. Share behind-the-scenes pictures or snippets from the preparation process. You could even provide a sneak peek into the content that will be discussed in the webinar. Your goal is to create interest and excitement, just do that.

2. Use engaging visuals

Visuals reign supreme on social media platforms. Create compelling and high-quality images or videos related to your webinar. Use eye-catching colors, fonts, and graphics to grab people’s attention. You can even create a short video explaining what the webinar is about and what attendees can expect to gain from it.

3. Leverage hashtags

Hashtags can help to enhance visibility and interaction. Research and use relevant and popular hashtags that relate to your webinar topic.

4. Provide clear and compelling information

Your post must communicate all necessary details about the webinar – what the webinar is about, who it is for, what they will learn, who the speaker is when it is scheduled, and how they can register. This information, no matter how simple determines the kind of people who will register for your webinar.

5. Use testimonials and reviews

If you’ve conducted webinars in the past and have received positive feedback, make sure to use these testimonials and reviews in your posts. This not only enhances credibility but also provides social proof that your webinars are worthwhile.

6. Include a call-to-action

At the end of every post, direct your audience to take a specific action like registering for the webinar or sharing the post. The simpler the process, the more likely people are to take the desired action.

7. Consider paid promotions

If you have enough budget, you can boost your posts or run targeted ads to increase reach. Target people based on interests, location, job title, etc., to help you attract a relevant audience.

Remember, your main aim with these posts is to raise awareness about your webinar, attract the right audience, and encourage them to register. Be creative, clear, and engaging with your social media posts, and you are likely to see a good turnout at your webinar.

How to Create a Webinar Presentation

Creating a webinar presentation can be a great way to reach a wider audience, share your knowledge, and establish your credibility.

It can be a complex task to undertake if you’re new to the process, but it becomes more manageable if you break it down into smaller, logical steps. 

Here are some steps to take;

1. Conduct in-depth research on your webinar topic

A comprehensive understanding of your webinar topic helps you speak more confidently and clearly. It allows you to deliver a high-quality, engaging, and enlightening webinar presentation.

Check relevant articles, scholarly journals, competitor’s webinars, and books. Familiarize yourself with the various aspects, recent trends, potential pitfalls, and every other thing related to the topic you’re working on.

2. Create an outline of your presentation 

Start with a compelling introduction to catch the audience’s attention, like shocking statistics or a brief story. The body should present your main points clearly and succinctly, each one complementing and building on the previous one. 

For instance, in a webinar about healthy eating, you could divide the body into sections such as the importance of nutrition, common misconceptions, recommended dietary guidelines, and tips for meal planning. 

Finish with a conclusion summarizing key points and encouraging action from the audience. An outline can help to ensure a seamless, engaging webinar.

3. Include appealing visuals in your presentation

The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text, making them important for communication. 

Charts, graphs, images, and infographics are powerful tools to emphasize points, explain complex information, or give a captivating break from texts. For instance, if your webinar is about the latest marketing trends, instead of only speaking about the data, represent it visually through an infographic or pie chart. 

Using visually stimulating slide backgrounds or including relevant videos can also enhance the viewers’ experience and make the content more memorable.

4. Include a call-to-action

A Call-to-Action (CTA) slide is an essential part of a webinar presentation that directs your audience toward the desired action you want them to take. This might be purchasing your product, subscribing to your newsletter, registering for the next webinar, or sharing the webinar with others. 

An example of a CTA slide could be a well-designed slide at the end of your webinar that says Sign up for our monthly newsletter to receive the latest updates, with a simple and intuitive way to do so. A strong and clear CTA, aligned with your webinar’s goal, can boost audience engagement and conversions.

5. Proofread your presentation

A successful webinar relies on a well-prepared presentation that’s free from errors. This not only strengthens your credibility but also ensures your audience clearly understands your message.

Proofread your slides, have a second pair of eyes go through your work, and use online grammar tools to check your script and slides before your webinar.

Typos can make you appear unprofessional, distracting viewers from the important content you’re sharing.

6. Practice your presentation

Practice makes perfect and this certainly applies when creating a webinar. Do a mock-up presentation in front of colleagues to receive feedback and tweak areas that need improvement. Time yourself to ensure you stay within the allocated time. 

This practice session not only gives you confidence, but also provides an opportunity to improve the webinar flow, engage your audience better, and answer potential questions effectively.


Organizing a webinar can be challenging for the first time. But this article was written with you in mind, to help you navigate all the steps involved

Ensure you have a relevant topic, a reliable webinar platform, and an engaging presentation to captivate your audience. 

Remember, consistency in hosting webinars can gradually enhance your skill level, creating a conducive learning environment for both you and your attendees.

After your webinar, you can upload the recorded version on Selar, and sell it as an online course or membership community content.

One form of content = Multiple streams of income