
How to Increase Revenue of Your Online Business

Ebooks, online courses, templates, and worksheets. When you hear digital products, your mind immediately goes to these options as the best digital products to sell online, which is true.

So you create more of these products in various forms and sell them to your audience.

2 years later, your students have seen success from your materials, you have lots of evidence that your products work. In fact, you’re an OG.

The problem however is that creating more and more of these products is not scalable to reach your revenue goal.

How many online courses will you create to reach $50k? How many ebooks will you write to reach $50K?

The beauty of the creator economy is that you can repurpose your knowledge into various formats and make money off it.

So if you’ll like to boost your revenue and do things differently while still sharing what you know, you have lots of other options. Let’s look at it further in this article.

1. High ticket coaching program

A coaching program is an organized method of providing personalized guidance and support to individuals in achieving their goals, whether in their personal or professional lives.

Ideally, to coach others, you need to have expert knowledge and experience in a specific area and be committed to helping clients reach their full potential. You can see how to become an online coach here.

As the name implies, a high-ticket coaching program differs from other coaching programs due to its high price point and exclusivity. The high price is justified by the depth and quality of the coaching experience, as well as the significant investment of time and expertise of the coach.

For example, The Discovery Centre has a high-ticket coaching program where people pay ₦2,200,000 as a one-time fee for an 8-week intense journey with Coach Mfon Ekpo.

The best form of high-ticket coaching is the one-on-one coaching sessions between the coach (you) and the client. It follows a definite structure that allows you to offer personalized guidance and suggestions to your client while charging a premium price for it. Alternatively, you may also host small group coaching programs to save time and reduce the workload.

Remember, the success of a high-ticket coaching program lies in your ability to produce success for your prospect. This means, regardless of what you know, if you can’t produce results for people, maybe you’re not cut out to be a coach.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind with high-ticket programs.

  • Have a defined idea of your target audience. This helps you know who you can serve. Create a persona of the type of person you can help and their purchasing power. This not only helps you create personalized messaging but also creates offers people are interested in.
  • Be clear on the results you help your customers achieve. Again, the success of your coaching program lies in your ability to help others achieve results. More results, more money.
  • Give your customers a “why.” Show them why they should pay more to join your coaching program, why they should make you their coach, and why you are qualified to help them.

LEARN: How to Get More Coaching Clients Online (Get 10 New Clients in 60 Days)

2. Membership programs

A membership site is a subscription-based site, that members visit to have access to the coach’s (your) content, materials, and community. It doesn’t have an end date as every time a member signs up to the membership site, they have access to the content.

For example, Gaius Chibueze, popularly known as Bitcoin Chief has a membership program he calls “The Inner Circle” where members pay a yearly plan of ₦ 700,000 to get the opportunity to learn about cryptocurrencies and digital assets investments.

Unlike other digital products, membership sites are flexible. New content is published regularly, in the form of books, webinars, blog articles, challenges, etc. to continuously engage the community and justify their payment.

This content is often exclusive to the members to give them a competitive advantage or enhanced knowledge in their field of interest. Additionally, it creates a sense of belonging and community.

Members join a group of like-minded individuals who share common interests, goals, or affiliations. This community aspect fosters a sense of connection and support among members, allowing them to network, collaborate, and learn from one another.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind with membership programs.

  • Clearly state what the members stand to gain. Let people know all the benefits they stand to gain once they become members of your community. The more benefits you outline, the easier it becomes to charge premium prices for it.
  • Set a fair price, but don’t underprice yourself. One of the benefits of having a membership site is that it brings recurring revenue. So focus on providing as much value as possible so that when you fix a price, your members will be more than willing to pay.
  • Provide new and exclusive content consistently. Exclusivity makes people feel special and elated. When you send out new content, they feel like they are part of the 1% of the 1% community members.
  • Treat your customers right. Everyone wants to feel loved, seen, heard, appreciated and noticed. When you make your members feel this way, you can easily sell them anything and they’d pay for it.

LEARN: How to Easily Create a Successful Coaching Membership Site

3. Public speaking

Often underrated, public speaking is an avenue to effectively drive revenue growth. It provides an opportunity for you to showcase your expertise and establish credibility in your field.

For example, Salem King, a renowned creator is also known for accepting various speaking engagements that revolve around his niche – being a creator. Anytime there’s an event about creators discussing creativity, you can almost expect a Salem King’s presence. That’s how much he has built his creativity around being a creator.

You too can take advantage of this and be more loud with your knowledge. And if your problem is that you’re shy, well, we’ve got you.

Firstly, knowledge gives you confidence. The more you know, the more you’re able to speak confidently. Of course, there will always be those who regardless of what they know may still feel shy but just knowing what to say when you need to say is all the motivation you didn’t know you needed.

Secondly, plan effectively for the event. Know what you’re going to talk about, outline your points, and organize your thoughts. Don’t forget storytelling. Share personal stories to help your audience see themselves in your story and connect more with your brand.

Thirdly, dress well. This gives you the confidence to face anyone and speak proudly without worrying about what you’ll look like in a video or picture.

Lastly, you’ll never feel as confident as you want. But once you start, it becomes easy to continue.

To make money from public speaking like Fela Durotoye, Jimi Tewe, Tolu Michaels, and more, follow these tips;

  • Build a personal brand. The more authentic you are, the more people can identify you with something. It’s how you know that if you want a leadership session, Fela Durotoye is your guy.
  • Have a niche. Nobody ever approaches a generalist. Focus on your area of expertise and grow there.
  • Network with people. No man is an island as they say. Collaboration and networking will help you build more authority as a creator and speaker.
  • Offer value upfront. Always ask, “What is the most valuable thing I can give this person today that’ll help his/her life? and let that direct your content effort.

To maximize the revenue-generating potential of public speaking, develop presentation and effective communication skills. Even more, aim to deliver value-packed content, engage the audience, and provide actionable insights. With consistent practice and time, you can enjoy the rewards from it.

What’s Next?

No one ever died from making too much money from the internet. As long as opportunities abound, leverage the ones you can. Begin by creating your products and selling them on Selar. Selar is an all-in-one featured platform that enables African creators like you to sell any type of digital product across borders. The best part it’s free to start.