
9 Ways to Increase Your Conversion Rates By 50% and Boost Sales

Conversion rates are an important metric for any digital marketing campaign.

Whether you are an online business owner running ads to sell your product, or you’re just a creator who wants to increase sales of their products, increasing your conversion rates is key in hitting your sales goal.

Also, since marketing follows a typical straightforward structure of attracting the right audience and converting them, the question now becomes how do you convert more people who visit your store?

There’s no ideal conversion rate especially when selling digital products as it varies depending on your product, industry, pricing, and much more. However, anywhere from 2 – 5% is considered average.

If you want to be in the top 10 percent of people with a high conversion rate, aim for anything from 15% and above.

What is a Good Conversion Rate When Selling Digital Products?

Generally, a 10% – 12% conversion rate is considered good for lead-generation landing pages and digital products. By “good” we mean it’s the most realistic number to get when combined with your marketing efforts.

However, conversion rates vary by industry, product, and marketing effort. For example, the average conversion rate for the e-commerce industry is 6.25% according to Wordstream report. The same number changes to 11.70% for the B2B industry.

When we asked Success Mba, a digital creator who sells Affiliate marketing products and a crypto trading product what the conversion rate for his products was, he said, ” The Affiliate marketing product has a 15% conversion rate and I spent 400,000 on ads for 8 months. My trading course has a conversion rate of 30% and I spent 300,000 on ads for 8 months.”

So, while a generally successful conversion rate is anywhere between 8% – 10% know that it differs by a lot of things. Some creators have conversion rates as high as 30% – 50% and as low as less than 2%.

This is why it’s important to do what Simon Poulton from Wpromote says, “the only number creators should focus on is their own, and how they can actively take steps to be better than they were yesterday.”

How to Increase Your Conversion Rates

When it comes to using increasing your conversion rates, there are a lot of things you can try.

To begin with, you need to create a good sales page that captures your product’s unique proposition and gives your audience a reason to sign up.

Creators who use Selar don’t have to worry about this because there’s a customizable sales page feature on Selar that makes it easy to create sales pages that help you sell your product. You can check it out.

Next, highlight your core offerings and provide benefits and social proof to convince your audience of your product.

You can read more on how to create a sales page.

In the meantime, let’s look at these recommendations in detail so it’s easier to understand.

  • Make it simple
  • Speak to their emotions
  • Use eye catchy videos and graphics
  • Make it about them
  • Write better copy
  • Include urgency
  • Show proof.
  • Craft a compelling CTA
  • Offer a mobile-first approach

1. Make it simple

A good starting point is to keep simplicity at the forefront of your strategy. There are so many components on a landing page that can affect your conversion rate.

Let’s assume you’ve already optimized to get qualified leads and you target the right audience, meaning you are bringing the right people to your sales page. But you notice you’re converting less than you should. What could be the cause?

Sometimes, it’s the complexity of the customer journey. The average human attention span is only 8.25 seconds. if you’re able to capture one’s attention such that they land on your page, it’s left to you to sustain that interest.

Can you remove the extra information requirements? Can you streamline the user journey to respond to your offer? Every extra step creates an opportunity to leave your page and reduce your conversion rate.

If you have forms on your page, shorten the fields to 3 options. The less information you ask for, the higher your conversation rate will be.

According to the 5 percent institute, people buy when it’s simple to do so. If there are a lot of roadblocks in the way, people will associate the buying decision with pain and immediately leave.

2. Speak to their emotions

While your sales page is designed to sell, the customer’s process of arriving at a buying decision rarely comes from logic. People buy from emotions because they are interested in the transformation the product brings.

According to Harvard Business Review, hundreds of emotional motivators drive consumer behavior. However, these 10 motivators significantly stand out and affect customer value when buying.

Source: HBR

Since consumers are driven by emotional motivators of either pain or pleasure, it’s important to craft your copy to speak to the emotions of your audience.

This means understanding their pain points and selling your products as the messiah that will save the day and offer a long-lasting solution. Notice how most fitness coaches train people because they want to help people live healthier life and be more confident in their bodies?

You too can create a unique proposition for your product and why you created it to solve a solution for people. Connect with their emotions and help them justify their reason for buying.

Here’s how Triciabiz uses copywriting to connect with her audience’s emotions on her sales page.

Speaking to emotions often starts with identifying a problem. But it can be difficult to create the ideal problem statement. It can be challenging to express it in a way that’s relevant to their needs, and that’s where a framework comes in handy.

With a content guideline, you can tell stories that speak to the emotions of your audience.

Here’s a framework to guide you.

  • Start with a story character that fits into their ideal problem.
  • Create a similar problem situation
  • Show how they tried several things to find a solution but only wasted time and effort
  • Show how they eventually came across your product and how they were convinced to take action.
  • Show how they took action and eventually got successful results.

With this framework, you have an idea of what you want your story to tell and how you can better tell these stories to achieve the aim.

3. Use eye catchy videos and graphics

According to Wishpond, videos placed on the landing page improve conversion by 86% compared to text pages only.

Not only do graphics and videos break up the texts on your landing page, but it also makes your page more engaging and interesting for your customers. “Your landing page should engage users to the point of converting them,” says Hyfa of Aufait Technologies.

Also, videos and graphics make customers retain information faster. Our brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text and retains 80 percent of what we see versus just 20 percent of what we read.

This is why when we try to remember something, a picture always comes to mind, making it natural to tie an image to a memory.

4. Make it about them

Your landing page copy should speak directly to your audience just as you would in a face-to-face conversation. In copywriting it’s called the “You Rule.” It describes writing in second person and speaking to the reader straightforwardly by using “you.”

This helps the customer picture themselves in the situation you’ve created. It also creates a feeling of intimacy, making your copy sound more conversational than sales-y.

In marketing, you must always consider your customer first. Since they only care about solving their problem, you should make it totally about them. Effective copy keeps the audience in front and center. So use ‘you’ more than you use ‘I’, “them”, “he”, or “she”.

Here’s an example.

5. Write better copy

With a well-designed page and an understanding of your audience, you can evaluate your copy and headlines for areas of improvement.

Ask these questions;

  • Am I feature-focused or benefit-focused?
  • Can my customers understand my unique offering?
  • Are my customers confused about my product or its solution?
  • Is my copy easy to understand and interpret?

Here’s an example of a copy from Tricia Biz’s Monetize Your Online Course

I won’t let you sign up without knowing what you’re signing up for, so here’s a breakdown of what you’ll be getting from me: An 8-week course that helps you CREATE, LAUNCH & SELL OUT your digital products PROFITABLY. This course is split into 3 phases to give you the results you need.

Your customers don’t have the time to read. They just scan for relevant information and go straight to taking action that helps them solve a problem.

Tell your story in the subheading and begin with the most important points you want your reader to know. Make your copy easy to scan so they have all the information they need to make a decision.

SEE: 10 Best Copywriting Tips to Improve Your Ads Performance

6. Include urgency

The only thing humans understand better than a discount is urgency and fear of missing out. According to the B2B marketing zone, if you’re looking for immediate conversion try urgency emails. A sense of urgency drives purchasing decisions among consumers.

To improve your conversion rate, something you don’t want to do is give your customers time to do something “later.” In most cases, later means never.

You can reduce the time they have to think and consider lots of factors by using urgency. This means creating a deadline on the offer. Give your prospects a reason to act now.

In this example, this creator uses a countdown to create urgency for its product.

But a time limit isn’t the only way to create urgency for a prospect. You can also create urgency by reminding a prospect of the need to take action today to get their desired result.

This creator reminds prospects that the only way to create the future they need is to act now.

Urgency makes your prospect feel like they have a chance to make their lives better than people around them and it makes them feel good.

7. Show proof

If you’re the only one talking about your product, don’t you think something is wrong?

To improve your conversion rate, you want to reduce any chances of disbelief. In fact, this is the time to overdeliver and show proof that your product works.

For every promise you make, show proof to validate it. It can be a quote, an image, a testimonial, or a review.

Here’s an example.

Share success stories from your students, names, and numbers of businesses or companies you’ve worked for, and the amount you’ve helped your students make. It’s your bragging right, so own it.

8. Use a compelling CTA

The best CTA is the one that’s in front of your audience when they’re ready to take action.

When visitors land on your page, the next question is “What do I do next?” Guide them to take action by including a clear, bold, and compelling CTA on your page.

Start by placing your CTA in a button and using a unique color for it. Ensure the color blends well with the background but still stands out and is easily seen. Avoid using the same color as other elements on the page. You want your CTA to stand out and increase your conversion rates.


Next, place your CTA above the fold. If you’ve got a call-to-action above the fold, it can increase conversion rates by 20%. That is the first section of your landing page that visitors see immediately they land on your page.


When designing your landing page, make sure that important elements like your unique offering, description, and CTA are placed above the fold. Some visitors may not have the patience to scroll through your page. You want to make sure you are putting your best foot forward.

9. Optimize for mobile

  • Over 55% of website traffic comes from mobile devices.
  • 92.3% of internet users access the internet using a mobile phone.
  • There are approximately 4.32 billion active mobile internet users.

These statistics tell you everything you need to know about optimizing for mobile users to increase your conversion rates.

Content display varies differently between mobile and PC monitors. What fits into a PC monitor may not fit into a mobile view, thereby leading to a tedious scrolling experience. More so, if users have to zoom in to read your texts, or click a button, that’s a bad user experience.

According to Forrester Research, designing for user experience can increase conversion rates by up to 400%.

So, ensure your pages load quickly on mobile, scrolling is smooth and easy, and visitors can easily input data on forms.

Increase your conversion rates and make more sales

Creating a good product is just the first step. Growing your business lies in your ability to turn visitors into customers consistently over a period of time.

We’ve written 9 tips to help you improve your conversion rates if you’re struggling to make sales.

You don’t have to try all at once. Pick one or two strategies, optimize, and see what works. Continue to tweak accordingly till you get a better idea of how to increase conversion rates without spending too much money.

Strike the first one off your list by signing up on Selar and creating a user-friendly sales page.