How To Become A Creative Writer

How To Become A Successful Writer

As the world opens up and more careers spring up, the avenues for writing diversify. From technical writers and content creators to copywriters, screenwriters, and even ghostwriters, each role carves out its distinctive path. 

Amidst this plethora of writing disciplines, creative writing stands apart as a tool to create imagination and express emotions. If you’ve ever wondered how to become a creative writer, we’ve compelled this guide just for you. 

Who is a Creative Writer?

A creative writer is a professional who creates stories, essays or poems to convey a meaningful message, often drawing from their own experiences or imagination. What sets a creative writer apart from other writing disciplines is their emphasis on weaving narratives that explore the depths of human emotion and thought, sparking imagination and provoking introspection.

Unlike the copywriter whose aim is to promote products or services persuasively, and the technical writer whose task is to convey complex information clearly and concisely, the creative writer seeks to evoke emotions, transport readers to new worlds, and leave a lasting impact through the power of storytelling.

Some famous creative writers like Chimamanda Adichie, Sefi Atta, Lola Shoneyin, Wole Soyinka and Buchi Emecheta, among others, inspire people all over the world. Even though being creative is exciting, we also need to think about money. Some creative writers become very rich, but many make only a little money because they do it for their love of writing, not just to make a profit.

What Is The Difference Between Creative Writing And Other Writing Disciplines 

With the stretch of writing disciplines, it is important to define the difference between creative writing and its other counterparts. Creative writing is characterized by its emphasis on imagination, storytelling, and artistic expression to invoke emotion, here’s how it’s different from the others:

Creative writing vs. copywriting

While creative writing does not necessarily require its audience to do anything, copywriting revolves around persuading and engaging audiences to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. It focuses on conveying a clear and compelling message to drive conversions and sales.

READ: 10 Copywriting Tips to Increase Your Ads Performance

Creative writing vs. technical writing

Unlike creative writing, technical writing aims to convey complex information clearly, concisely, and easily understandable. It is often used in technical manuals, instruction guides, and scientific reports to provide instructions or explanations.

Creative writing vs. screenwriting

While screenwriting and creative writing involve storytelling, screenwriting is distinct in its focus on crafting narratives specifically for visual media. It requires a keen understanding of visual storytelling techniques, character development, and dialogue to bring stories to life on the screen.

Creative writing vs. academic writing

Academic writing and creative writing involve the written expression of ideas but they differ in their purpose, style, and audience. Academic writing is formal and serves the scholarly community by advancing knowledge and contributing to academic discourse, whereas creative writing aims to entertain, inspire, and evoke emotions through storytelling and artistic expression.

Academic writing also follows specific conventions and standards, focusing on presenting arguments, analyzing data, and contributing to existing knowledge in a particular field.

Creative writing vs. content writing

Content writing is a strategic tool for businesses and organizations to engage with online audiences, drive traffic, and achieve specific business goals, while creative writing aims to inspire, entertain, and evoke emotions through artistic expression and storytelling. While both use storytelling, content writing’s range can be limited to blog posts, articles, social media posts, and website content. 

READ: A Beginner’s Guide to Crafting Compelling Content

While each writing discipline has unique characteristics and purposes, the skills cultivated in creative writing are often transferable across various paths. Whether it’s crafting compelling narratives for social media, engaging communities via email, or simply honing the art of communication, creative writing skills can improve your effectiveness in other spheres of life. This is why roles like “creative content writer” exist across industries. 

Why Should You Become a Creative Writer?

Every writing discipline has its benefits and choosing to become a creative writer is no different. Here are a few reasons you should become a creative writer. 

1. Creative writing gives you a tool for self-expression

Creative writing offers a platform for expressing your innermost thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Through stories, poems, and essays, you can articulate the essence of your being and connect with readers on a deep level while releasing yourself of the burdens of the mind. 

2. Being a creative writer offers you several opportunities for growth

Becoming a creative writer opens doors to a multitude of career paths. Whether crafting novels, scripts, or content for various industries, your creative skills are in high demand, fostering avenues for exploration and advancement.

3. Creative writing gives you a path to fame

The path of creative writing holds the promise of recognition and fame for those who captivate audiences with their narratives. By sharing compelling stories, you can leave a lasting imprint on the literary landscape and gain acclaim for your talent, like the Adichies and Soyinkas of the world. 

4. Creative writers have the potential to make tons of money from their craft

While the financial landscape of creative writing varies, there exists the potential to earn a living pursuing your passion. With perseverance and strategic thinking, you can leverage your creative talents to generate income through publishing, freelancing, and even content creation.

READ: Meet Yai, The Content Strategist Making it Big in Digital Creation

5. Creative writing is a transferable skill

Beyond writing, the skills gained as a creative writer are invaluable in various aspects of life. From communication and critical thinking to problem-solving, these abilities empower you to navigate diverse challenges with confidence and poise and present you with a myriad of career path opportunities. 

Why You Shouldn’t Become A Content Writer 

While the allure of creativity may seem enticing, it’s important to note that becoming a creative writer comes with its own unique set of challenges. Some of these include the following:

1. The path to becoming a creative writer is uncertain 

Creative writing is often met with uncertainty, as success in the field can be unpredictable. Writers face numerous rejections from publishers, agents, or literary magazines before finding success. Becoming a creative writer requires patience and resilience.

2. Being a creative writer sometimes means dealing with financial instability

Unlike more stable careers, creative writing may not always provide a steady income. Many writers struggle to make ends meet, relying on side jobs or freelance work to support themselves.

3. It is a highly competitive market

The creative writing industry is highly competitive, with countless aspiring writers vying for limited opportunities. Standing out amidst the competition requires exceptional talent, perseverance, and a unique voice.

4. Becoming a creative writer requires a great deal of discipline 

Creative writing requires discipline and dedication, often necessitating long hours of solitary work. Writers must possess the self-discipline to stay motivated and focused, even in the face of rejections and other challenges.

5. Creative writers are often isolated

The solitary nature of writing can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Writers may spend hours alone with their thoughts, struggling with self-doubt, and wrestling with creative blocks.

By acknowledging these challenges and preparing accordingly, aspiring creative writers can navigate the path of creative writing head-on.

How To Become A Great Creative Writer

Now that you have weighed the benefits and challenges of chasing a career path as a creative writer, here are some surefire tips to help you become a great creative writer. 

1. Read, read, read

Reading is the cornerstone of creative writing. Read any and everything; immerse yourself in a variety of literature, exploring different genres, styles, and voices. Pay attention to how authors craft their stories, develop characters, and evoke emotions.

This is how you will learn to do the same in your own writing. By observing the techniques and storytelling methods of established authors, you’ll gain valuable insights into the craft of creative writing and develop your unique voice and style.

2. Create time to practice

Practice is the key to honing your writing skills. Set aside dedicated time each day to write, allowing your ideas to flow freely without judgment or inhibition. Experiment with different writing exercises, prompts, and techniques to explore your creativity and refine your craft.

Some writers advocate for freewriting, which essentially involves writing continuously without pausing to edit within a set timeframe. This exercise helps you bypass self-criticism and tap into your subconscious mind, fostering a more fluid and uninhibited writing process.

3. Listen to the world around you 

At the core of creative writing is imagination. Cultivate your creativity by exploring diverse experiences and observing the world around you. Immerse yourself in literature, art, culture and even everyday life to draw inspiration from the human experience.

A great creative writer can find inspiration in the smallest details of life – from the conversations overheard on a bus to the colours of a sunset. By actively listening to the world around you, you’ll uncover endless possibilities for storytelling and bring depth and authenticity to your writing.

4. Seek feedback

Feedback is essential for growth. Join writing groups and workshops to connect with fellow writers and receive constructive criticism. Embrace feedback as a tool for improvement and continued learning. Additionally, learning to give feedback is equally important.

As you engage with other writers’ work, practice offering constructive feedback that is specific, supportive, and actionable. By providing thoughtful critiques, you help fellow writers improve their craft and deepen your understanding of storytelling techniques and writing principles.

5. Embrace rejection

Rejection is part of the creative journey. Use setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. Cultivate resilience by believing in your vision, even in the face of doubt or criticism. This is why feedback is also important – it helps you understand areas for improvement and navigate challenges more effectively.

Instead of viewing rejection as a failure, see it as a stepping stone towards success. Each rejection can teach you valuable lessons and ultimately bring you closer to achieving your goals as a creative writer.

6. Build your platform and network

Today, the importance of an online presence cannot be overemphasised. Consider creating one for yourself as a creative writer. You can start by choosing a social media platform to engage on.

Some folks create professional websites or blogs to show their work over the years. Engage with your audience and network with fellow writers, editors, and literary agents to explore opportunities and collaborations.

READ: How to Build a Community around Your Brand as a Writer

Becoming a creative writer is an exciting journey because you get to define it for yourself. You would have hacked your way to becoming a great creative writer by reading voraciously, practising writing, and gunning for feedback.

So, keep dreaming, keep creating, and share your stories with the world. With dedication, you can become a great writer, shaping stories that inspire others. Selling your work on Selar can help you expand your audience and make your writing accessible to people around the globe. 

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