
How To Create A Pre-order Product on Selar

A pre-order product is a product that is offered for sale on your website or store that is yet to be manufactured or released but has a specific date for its release.

Opening a pre-order means you want your customers to reserve products in advance before they are made available.

How to create a pre-order product on Selar

Selar allows you to sell your product to prospective customers before its official release. All it takes is to tick a box.

Below is a step-by-step guide on creating a pre-order product on Selar.

Step 1: Log in to your Selar account

To get started, you have to log in to your account. If you don’t have one, you can go ahead to create your account and enjoy all the perks Selar has to offer.

Step 2: Click on the “Add a Product” button

This will take you to a page where you select the type of product you want to sell.

Step 3: Select your product type

For the purpose of this article, we will be using “Digital Product”

Step 4: Fill out all required information

Here you’d be required to enter all the necessary information about your product.

Step 5: Tick the “This is a pre-order product” box

Right under the field tagged “Product type, there is a small rectangular box tagged “This is a pre-order product. Click right inside the box to tick it.

Once this is done, your pre-order product is created. You can then fill up the remaining information boxes and click on the “Post Product” button at the button of the page.

Voila!! your pre-order product has been created. Share your product link and let the pre-orders roll in.

Get started by signing up on Selar today to create an account.