
7 Best Ko-Fi Alternatives to Receive Tips and Donations From Your Community in 2024

Platforms like Ko-fi have gained a great reputation for facilitating seamless transactions between creators and their followers. 

It is a unique platform that allows you to receive tips and donations from your audience to fund your creative work. 

But, even if you are well acquainted with Ko-fi, you may want to seek alternative platforms that 

better fit your unique needs and preferences. Perhaps you’re seeking different fee structures, diverse donation options, or just keen on exploring new ways to grow your community and your income. 

In this article, we will share other alternative platforms to Ko-Fi that can help you receive support from your community. 

Let’s get started. 

Overview of Ko-Fi

Ko-fi is a tipping platform that allows users to donate to creators. It’s an easy way to receive financial support from your audience to support your creative projects. Donations can be of any quantity and are not limited to the current tiers. 

Kofi offers membership tiers, which are different levels of membership that your followers can select from. You can specify a monthly price for each tier, and list member advantages for each tier..

Begin with a free tip jar for what you’re already generating, and then offer supporters extra whenever they want!

Features of Ko-Fi

Some unique features of Ko-Fi include;

  • Easy messaging: Creators and supporters can now exchange messages directly with one other using Ko-fi.
  • Payment alerts: Receive messages in your Stream Chat anytime you receive a Ko-fi payment!
  • Rewards: Provide supporters with access to exclusive postings, Discord roles, member-only merchandise, and more.
  • Supporter-Only Content: Allow supporters or members to access special content.
  • Receive Direct Payment: The platform charges no costs. Donations are delivered straight to your PayPal or Stripe account.
  • Stream Alerts: Receive contribution messages when streaming on Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook.

Top 7 Ko-Fi.Com  Alternatives to Check Out 

These are the top Ko-fi alternatives to check out; 

1. Show Love

Show Love is one of the best alternatives to Buy Me a Coffee for African creators to receive support for their content. It is Selar’s new feature that allows your audience, community, supporters, fans, etc. to express their appreciation and support to you in meaningful ways.

Show Love accepts Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Klasha, as well as local payment methods such as bank transfer and USSD in Nigeria. And the best part is, it’s not only your audience that can tip you. Anyone who enjoys your content can generously leave you a tip.

You can sell digital products with Selar and accept tips from your audience using your Show Love page. It’s as easy as it sounds. 

Even better, Show Love can be used for various functions; accepting tips during live sessions like webinars, crowdfunding, birthday giveaways, non-profit donations, events, etc. If it requires an online donation or monetary value, you can do it with Show Love.

You can also add your Show Love link to all your social platforms where you share your content.

It’s free to create a show love page and Selar charges only a small amount for every successful transaction, which would be available during payouts.

Learn more about Selar’s Show Love feature.

2. Patreon

Patreon is a popular alternative to Ko-fi that allows creators to establish a subscription service for their followers. It provides a platform where creators can directly engage with their subscribers, known as patrons, and receive monetary support regularly. 

Patreon allows creators to set various subscription levels with unique benefits, like early access to content, live chats, etc., enabling the community to choose how much they wish to contribute. 

The unique feature of Patreon is that it creates a consistent and predictable monthly income stream for creators, and it is considered one of the best platforms for long-term creative projects. Patreon is effective for creators seeking ongoing funding and a close connection with their supporters.

3. Buy Me a Coffee

Buy Me a Coffee is a more straightforward platform than Patreon but an effective Ko-fi alternative. Here, creators can ask their followers or fans to donate the equivalent cost of a coffee to support their work. 

Unlike Patreon’s monthly subscription model, Buy Me a Coffee allows for one-time donations, making it ideal for creators who may not release content on a consistent schedule. 

Features include creating member-only posts, a shop for selling digital products, extra widgets and buttons for website embedding, and easy setup of recurring membership donations. Overall, Buy Me a Coffee offers a quick and simple way for fans to support their favorite creators.

4. LiberaPay

LiberaPay is a non-profit platform that allows users to receive recurring donations. Unlike platforms that incentivize large donations, LiberaPay’s model encourages small, regular contributions to maintain a consistent income for creators. 

The open-source platform focuses on transparency, and neither takes a percentage from donations nor imposes payment fees. Donors have the freedom to divide their donations among various recipients as they see fit. 

To set up a LiberaPay account, creators need only to provide their project details and preferred payment methods. Unlike most platforms, LiberaPay discourages offering rewards or exclusive content in return for donations, advocating instead for a gift economy approach.

5. Flattr

Flattr is a social micro-donation platform designed to support creators with one-off or recurrent contributions. Instead of tipping specific creators, users top-up their Flattr wallet and the platform divides their budget among the creators they’ve interacted with during the month. 

It automatically flattens out your support by distributing it equally. For creators, they simply sign up, connect their websites, podcasts, blogs, and social media accounts, and can start receiving funds from their followers. 

Notably, Flattr has partnered with the AdBlock extension, so when users browse with AdBlock turned on, the ad revenue that would’ve been earned is directed to the creators through the platform. This unique approach makes it stand out as a revenue stream for creators.

6. Tipeee

Tipeee is a crowdfunding platform that allows creators to receive a recurring income from their fans. It provides various unique features like one-time, monthly, and project-based contributions. 

Artists, bloggers, and creators of all kinds share their content on the platform, where fans can tip them directly. The transaction is handled by Tipeee, ensuring a secure, user-friendly experience for all parties. 

Other notable features include goal setting, analytics to track progress, customizable page design, and an optional private news feed to provide exclusive content to patrons. Through Tipeee, creators can monetize their work in a meaningful way, maintaining their creative freedom and receiving financial support.

7. Steady

Steady is an online platform dedicated to independent publishers, allowing them to generate a steady stream of income from their readers or listeners. It helps creators turn their subscribers into a community with flexible membership plans. 

Users can set up free trials, single, recurring, or gift subscriptions. Additional features include automatic language detection, different payment options, and insightful statistics. 

Members receive access to exclusive content or benefits decided by the creator. It gives the publishers the freedom to create content without reliance on advertisement or sponsored content.

Tips for Transitioning into Ko-Fi.Com Alternatives

If you are planning to switch from to another platform, it can feel a bit challenging, especially when you’ve grown comfortable with how everything works on Ko-Fi. 

Here are some tips to help you ease this transition.

1. Evaluate your Needs

Before making any moves, consider why you’re looking to transition from Ko-fi. Is it due to cost, lack of features, or perhaps limitations with community engagement? This understanding will guide you to find the best alternative that meets your specific needs.

2. Consider Your Options

Research other platforms. Some of the well-known alternatives include Show Love, Patreon, or Buy Me A Coffee. Compare these options based on features, ease of use, charges, community size, and any other factors that matter to you.

3. Prepare Your Audience

Once you decide to switch, prepare your audience. Keep them in the loop, explain why you’re making the switch, and let them know how they can continue to support you. Regular updates and communication are vital during this period to prevent any loss of followers or support.

4. Make The Transition Smooth

Try not to disrupt your followers’ usual experience too much. Consider factors such as payment methods and how user-friendly the new platform is. Some of your followers might be reluctant to change, so do your best to ensure a seamless transition.

5. Leverage the Unique Features of the New Platform

Most platforms have a unique feature that distinguishes them from others. Take full advantage of these features to engage your audience and grow your followership on the new platform.


Several alternatives to Ko-Fi offer fantastic opportunities to receive tips and donations from your community. Whether it’s Show Love’s easy-to-use interface, Buy Me a Coffee which caters to one-time payments or ongoing memberships, or Flattr, a user-friendly option that spreads donations over a network of creators, the choice is vast.  

Ultimately, your decision should align with your unique needs, considering factors like the user interface, fees, and community preference. Research thoroughly, and go for a platform that resonates best with you and your community.