How to make your next/first $100,000 selling online courses.

Have you ever wondered how to sell your online courses to the international market?

A lot of course creators don’t know how to position themselves to sell to the international market as Abdul-Qawiyy does.

A few days ago, we had a Twitter conversation with Abdul-Qawiyy. 

Abdul-Qawiyy is a marketing genius who sells high ticket offers to international markets, he is also a YouTuber and the creator of Seven figures sales.

This article will show you exactly how he was able to achieve all of these and will give you first-hand experience on the Twitter space we had with him.

Selar: How did you go from a cobbler to a marketing don?

Abdul: I started making shoes because there was hardly any shoe that was my size in the market and that is because I have big feet. I learned how to make shoes Just so I could make shoes for myself but there was a demand for them so I started making them for people. I have always been a marketer. I have never really sold anything to the Nigerian market. It has always been the international market for me. I started as a freelancer when I was 15 and I made a couple of 100 thousands. Then I stopped freelancing and started dropshipping and that was also a huge success. After some time, I got into e-commerce which was also successful. There were months I made 7figures in dollars. People started requesting that I teach them how to get started with e-commerce and I eventually created a course to solve that problem which led to me consulting for course creators and entrepreneurs.

Selar: How were you able to sell to the international market?

Abdul: International clients are just human but with more purchase power. If you can show your results, people will always buy from you.

Do not let your skin color stop your expertise.

To sell to the International market, you need to have enough verifiable proof. Let people know who you are, who your offer is for, who you have helped and how it can help them and that is what I did with my course.

 You also need to position yourself where these people can find you. It could be tiktok, YouTube, Twitter etc

Selar: How can people position themselves to earn their first or next $100,000 selling online courses?

Abdul: I learned from Gary Herbert that the advantage that any business can have is a starving crowd.

People don’t buy into prices, they buy into the experience that you are selling to them.

The only reason people travel to watch Burna boy, Wizkid, etc Live when they can listen to them on apple music is the experience of watching them perform live.

If you can help people save time, help them make more money, make them happier or appeal to their status, they will pay for whatever you are offering them.

If you can make $100, you can make $100,000. The only difference is the scale and systems involved in selling. If you can communicate the value of what you are selling effectively and also put it in front of as many people as possible, you can make as much money as you want.

Selar: What would you say to a newbie digital creator?

Abdul: I know you probably have a lot of things you are aiming for right now but what has helped me is focusing on one thing and excelling at it.

As a beginner, you will be distracted by information overload on the internet but you must be able to filter out the information that will serve you.

You should have at least two to three people that you listen to on a specific topic.

As much as you want to make money, do not sacrifice humanity. Don’t make false claims. Do not promise what you cannot deliver. Your goal should be how people can get a good experience that they keep coming back to.

Lastly, don’t give up when you are tired because there will be good and bad days. 

It’s okay to make mistakes or fail because failure is the next-door neighbor to success.

I  hope you find this article helpful. And, if you are still wondering how to get started selling your online courses or receiving payment from your international clients, Worry no more! At Selar, our goal is to make selling digital products and services and also receiving international payments easier for all creators.  You can get started on Selar here.