Embedding‎ external‎ video‎ links‎ in‎ your‎ courses‎ just‎ got‎ better‎ and‎ easier!

Before‎ now,‎ adding‎ external‎ videos‎ to‎ your‎ course‎ content‎ would‎ require‎ adding‎ links‎ to‎ your‎ course‎ description‎ -‎ but‎ that’s‎ a‎ thing‎ of‎ the‎ past‎ now.‎ 

⁣With‎ this‎ new‎ feature,‎ you‎ can‎ embed‎ external‎ videos‎ (from‎ platforms‎ like‎ YouTube,‎ Loom,‎ and‎ Vimeo‎ )‎ directly‎ in‎ your‎ courses/memberships.

⁣The‎ benefits‎ of‎ embedding‎ your‎ external‎ video‎ links‎ in‎ your‎ courses: Here‎ are‎ some‎ reasons‎ why‎ you‎ will‎ love‎ this‎ new‎ way‎ of‎ embedding‎ external‎ video‎ links‎ in‎ your‎ courses.

⁣1.‎ It‎ gives‎ your‎ students‎ a‎ smoother‎ experience.‎ They‎ no‎ longer‎ have‎ to‎ scroll‎ down‎ to‎ the‎ course‎ description‎ section‎ for‎ external‎ links.

⁣2.‎ Higher‎ viewership‎ rate‎ of‎ your‎ embedded‎ videos.‎ Some‎ students‎ don’t‎ read‎ the‎ course‎ description‎ which‎ means‎ they‎ don’t‎ get‎ to‎ view‎ your‎ embedded‎ video‎ links‎ but‎ with‎ this‎ feature,‎ they‎ get‎ to‎ view‎ it‎ because‎ it’s‎ right‎ inside‎ the‎ course.

Here’s how it works:

  • ⁣1.‎ Log‎ in‎ to‎ your‎ Selar‎ dashboard.
  • Click‎ on‎ “All‎ Products”.
  • Tap‎ the‎ three-dot‎ icon‎ on‎ the‎ right‎ of‎ the‎ course.
  • Select “Manage‎ Curriculum”‎ from‎ the‎ drop-down‎ menu.
  • Then, select‎ the‎ lecture‎ content‎ you’d‎ like‎ to‎ embed‎ your‎ external‎ video‎ in‎ and‎ tap‎ “Manage‎ lecture‎ content”.
  • Finally,‎ embed‎ your‎ external‎ video‎ links.

Pricing: This‎ feature‎ is‎ currently‎ available‎ to‎ course creators‎ on‎ our‎ pro‎ and‎ turbo‎ plans. If‎ you‎ want‎ to‎ get‎ access‎ to‎ this‎ feature,‎ then‎ the‎ best‎ decision‎ you‎ can‎ make‎ right‎ now‎ is‎ to‎ jump‎ on‎ the‎ Selar‎ Pro‎ plan now. Click‎ here to get started.

Already‎ on‎ the‎ pro‎ plans?‎ You‎ can‎ get‎ started‎ with‎ embedding‎ video‎ links‎ in‎ your‎ courses‎ right‎ away!

Common Questions:

  • How can my students access embedded external videos? Embedded external videos are listed alongside your course content, so your students can access them just like other course content.
  • Can I embed videos from social media platforms like instagram? At the moment, you can only embed external videos from YouTube, Loom, and Vimeo.

Need more help? Do you have more questions about embedding external video links in your courses? Send us an email at [email protected]

We’re always happy to hear from you! ♥️