Tickets by Selar

Tickets by Selar Vs Tix: Which Ticket Selling Platform Is Best For Your Event?

Organizing any type of event can be an overwhelming task with its unique set of challenges. From coordinating logistics and managing schedules to marketing the event and ensuring a seamless ticketing process, event creators have their hands full. Selecting the right ticket selling platform is super important because it can either simplify your processes or add to the complexity. 

Fortunately, with the right tools and support, you can streamline these tasks and focus on delivering a memorable event experience. Today, we will compare Tix with Tickets by Selar. Each platform offers a range of features designed to make ticket sales and event management easier, but which one is the best for you? In this article, we’ll compare both platforms in detail, highlighting five solid reasons why Tickets by Selar might be the superior choice for your events.

Five solid reasons why Selar is the best platform to sell tickets for your next event. 

1. The most affordable ticket selling platform

When it comes to pricing, Selar stands out as the most affordable option in the market with a flat 4% charge per ticket. This straightforward pricing model ensures that event organizers can easily budget for their events without worrying about hidden fees or unexpected costs. With Selar, you know exactly what you’re paying for, and you can keep more of your ticket sales revenue.

In contrast, Tix charges a higher fee of 5% per ticket. Additionally, Tix operates on a subscription model, where you must pay for a plan to access most of their features especially if you host recurring events. This can significantly increase the overall cost for event organizers. With Tickets by Selar, you can sell your tickets with a free account whether you’re selling one-time tickets or recurring tickets. The subscription fees add another layer of expense, making Tickets by Selar a cost-effective option for event organisers. 

2. Flexible event types

Tickets by Selar offers unparalleled flexibility when it comes to event types. Whether you’re hosting an online webinar, an in-person rave, or a hybrid conference, Selar has you covered. You can easily select the type of event you’d like to host and include all necessary details such as the physical address for offline events or meeting links for online ones. This ensures that attendees receive all relevant information in a single, cohesive ticket.

In contrast, Tix primarily focuses on offline events with limited features for online setups. While Tix supports local currency transactions and multiple payment channels, it lacks the comprehensive functionality needed to cater to hybrid events seamlessly. This can be a significant drawback for event organizers who want to offer a hybrid experience to their audience.

3. Comprehensive event details

With Tickets by Selar, you can provide detailed information about your event directly on the ticket receipt. This includes agendas, timing, venue, speaker profiles, and any special instructions or notes. This feature is particularly useful for events such as conferences, workshops, or any event where detailed schedules and information are crucial for attendees. This helps attendees plan ahead and avoid any scheduling problems. 

Tix, on the other hand, offers basic event descriptions like other ticketing platforms. This means attendees might need to search for additional details elsewhere, potentially causing confusion and a less streamlined experience.

4. Accept payment in different currencies

One of the standout features of Tickets by Selar is its ability to sell tickets and accept payments in 15 different currencies, including USD, GBP, NGN, GHS, KES, UGX, TZS, and ZAR. This extensive currency support is a game-changer for event organizers who cater to a diverse, international audience. With Tickets by Selar, attendees can easily buy tickets using their local currency, removing the friction of currency conversion and making the transaction process seamless and user-friendly.

Plus, Tickets by Selar’s robust payment gateway supports multiple payment channels. Attendees can pay using credit/debit cards, bank transfers, mobile money, USSD, and more. This flexibility ensures that everyone, regardless of their preferred payment method, can get their tickets easily.

While Tix supports local currency payments and offers a variety of payment channels, its reach is limited compared to Selar’s extensive currency options. 

5. Multiple ticket tiers and sales control

Tickets by Selar provides flexibility with its multiple ticket tier options, allowing you to offer various ticket types such as Regular, VIP, Early Bird and more, each with different benefits and pricing. You can also name your tickets however you please. This tiered approach ensures that you can cater to a wide range of attendees and maximize your revenue potential. 

Additionally, Tickets by Selar offers precise control over your ticket sales. You can set limits on the number of tickets sold and even close ticket sales at any time with just a click. This feature is invaluable for managing last-minute changes and ensuring a smooth event experience.

On the other hand, Tix does offer ticket tier management but lacks the intuitive control and flexibility of Selar’s system. With Tickets by Selar, you have the advantage of receiving payouts even before your event concludes, providing you with essential liquidity for effective event planning and management

Bonus: Simplified and intuitive ticket sales 

With Tickets by Selar, managing your event ticket sales has never been easier. Our platform provides a streamlined, user-friendly interface that allows you to set up events and start selling tickets within minutes. Whether you’re organizing a large conference or a small workshop, our intuitive design guides you through each step effortlessly, from creating event listings and customizing ticket options to tracking sales and processing payments.

In contrast, Tix may require more time to navigate due to its more complex interface and setup procedures. Tickets by Selar focuses on simplicity and ease-of-use ensures a smoother experience, allowing you to spend less time on ticketing logistics and more time focusing on delivering a great event.

In conclusion, Tickets by Selar is the superior ticket selling platform compared to Tix, particularly for event organizers who need a flexible, detailed, and user-friendly system. Tickets by Selar’s comprehensive features make it an ideal choice for a wide range of events. 

Ready to sell out your next event? Start selling on Selar.