
4 Surefire Ways to Prevent Your Ebook From Being Stolen

Imagine this: one day, you get a random idea and decide to write an e-book. You spend sleepless nights writing…


10 Best Lead Magnet Ideas With High Conversion Rates

A lead magnet is an incentive to attract customers to your business. However, while 53% of marketers spend half of…


Best Email Marketing Strategies for Digital Creators to Boost Sales

There are many channels you can use to reach out to your potential customers, but email marketing remains one of…


Email Nurturing: How to Turn Leads into Customers

You’ve heard it a lot of times, haven’t you? How you need to attract leads and nurture them to make…


4 Unconventional Ways to Make Money From Ebooks Online

Aside from aggressive promotion on social media, have you ever thought of other ways you could make money from your…


How to Identify Your Target Audience as a Digital Creator

As a digital creator, it is your job to understand the needs of your audience and create engaging content. But…


How to Promote a Lead Magnet to Generate More Leads

You’ve put in the work and crafted the ideal lead magnet, ready to reel in a steady stream of new…


The Future of E-commerce: Emerging Trends and Predictions

The future of e-commerce looks bright, thanks in large part to the impact of COVID-19 on online sales. And though…


How to Use Storytelling to Sell Your Digital Products

Thanks to the internet and the creator economy, there are lots of digital products and online content. So the thin…